Monday, September 7, 2009

Too late tonight

I think I said earlier that I wasn't envious enough to take something away from someone, but if I knew how to take my sister's background and music off her blog and put it on mine, I'm sad to say, I would. I've already called her tonight to share an amusingly, sad email :-):-( that I received today and she didn't even tell me of her blogging antics. I want music and I want a pretty background, but I think it's too late tonight to get that done. I want to post pictures of Hillary's party and write funny stories, but I think it's too late tonight. I want to use special words...the ones that writers use to make people smile and ponder, but I think it's too late tonight. I want to read all the blogs that I follow, but I think it's too late tonight. The truth of the matter that it is (is that correct or did I use is too many times this late at night?) too late tonight to get all that I want to get done. So I will close my blog tonight and continue again tomorrow. I am waiting on Cari to call me. She is sitting in the ER in Austin, Tx waiting to find out why she feels so bad. I hope she doesn't have the flu! I will close for now, and I will wait for her call...a call that is never too late at night to get!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like these are my babies.........I am addicted to this already! I love your blogs. They are interesting to read. Maybe it won't be too late tonight to add a background and music. Go to It is self explanitory and the music came from Good luck!
