Sunday, September 6, 2009

envy and competition

I am not always envious of others BUT I am very competitive. Last night I got home from a long night at Crossfire and I found that my sister had started a blog! I was amazed, impressed, pleased, and JEALOUS! Not the type of jealousy that makes me want to take something away from someone or say mean things to the other person....but just enough jealousy to get my competitive nature going! And, I must add, I'm not really competing with Lisa...I just want to blog with her. My youngest daughter, Cari, and my daughter-in-law, Gina, both blog, so I decided to join the "blog club". Now, Lisa's blog was wonderful and I won't even be able to come close to her first entries. They brought tears to my eyes and gave me some really special and funny memories. So, here's to blogging! May we all learn from each other and add some humor or different outlook to our readers' lives!

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