Usually I write about the negative signs of aging, but today I will be POSITIVE! I absolutely love being Mom and Nana! I have 4 wonderful kids and 4 amazing grandchildren...soon (in June) there will be 5 of the little critters!
I was able to spend my Spring Break with most of them. Derek, Hillary and Cari are all married and now have their own little brood to raise. Dillan is still in high school and he is sooo busy. Derek took him to Houston last week to show his steer in the Houston Stock show. Gina and I were able to watch the show on the was great. Dillan's steer placed 12th and he made the sale! I took this picture of Dillan over my computer! I was really proud of him. If he isn't working with his steer, he is playing sports. Right now he is playing I spend my Tuesday and Friday nights at the baseball games. Most of Dillan's friends' parents seem to be a bit younger than me...but hopefully that will keep me younger since I am a Nana!
Grandkids may be the best part of getting older. I loved my time with them over the week. They don't stop for a minute and keep me on my toes. When Donald is here he really loves to entertain them. He is great with them! Denver is 7, Averi is 5, Madilyn is almost 3 and Tristin is almost 6 months. Hillary is due in June and is in the process of moving Maddie out of the nursery and into her own "big girl" room. Now Miss Maddie is not too sure of moving into her new is now the guest room and Maddie's main concern was "Papa (Donald) won't have a bed to sleep in!" Isn't that sweet??? Grandkids are great for loving and spoiling and we can't wait to spoil and love another one!
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