Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday's Signs of Aging 2

Yes, I realize that it's not Monday. It's not even Tuesday, however it was just a few minutes ago! I guess this is one of the signs of aging....forgetfulness. Yes! I started a weekly episode of writing on the signs of aging just last Monday and what do ya know? I forgot all about it! I'm sure that forgetfulness is one of the most irritating signs of getting older. I can't tell you how many things I forget. I have a fear of Alzheimer's (I may have forgotten the correct spelling on that). Sometimes I'll go to one of my co-worker's room to tell them a really good story about one of my students and sadly to say, by the time I've walked a mere 10 feet, I will have forgotten completely what I had to share with them! I've even forgotten words I want to use as I write. I'm always trying to tell my friends something and I can't even remember the word I want to use. That happened today and I can't even remember the word I had to use because I couldn't remember the word I wanted to use. It's just horrible.
Another horrible part of aging is....wrinkles. Oh my....how depressing they can be. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't even recognize myself. I have wrinkles under my eyes and creeping down the left side of my chin. I think that is the gully that drool flows down! (Drooling was covered last week.) Wrinkles aren't even fun in my clothes much less on my face! I've tried pulling my hair back tightly and that works as a quick face lift, but I can't walk around town pulling the skin on my face back all the time. I've thought of getting a face lift but I really need a new bathroom and kitchen and I'm thinking they may cost about the same. And to make things worse...I've run out of night cream. I vowed not to buy another bottle of night cream (complete with retinal, collagen, Vitamins c and e and other ingredients that promise to prevent the signs of aging) until I ran out of the one I have. Well, it happened last night. I may have to find a jar of Vaseline and slather that all over my face. I can't imagine what I would look like if I never used these beautifying products.
That's all the aging problems I can think of tonight. It's after midnight and I've got to find that jar of Vaseline. I just can't remember where I put it!


  1. Just so you know... I've NEVER noticed your wrinkles. You look great! And I'm young and I do the same forgetful things. It does concern, and often times annoy me, though.

  2. I was going to tell you an amusing tale about my forgetfulness, but I forgot what it was about...
