Wednesday, February 3, 2010


just sitting here listening to noises in my house while i try to watch american's like something is hitting my roof...and it's not even raining right now. i think it's pecans falling and i am not going to be scared.

i don't like scary noises and i don't like scary movies or scary books. now i can't even go take a shower...just because i've changed my mind about being scared. now i am scared.

sometimes i'm scared about situations in my life or my family's life. that's no fun either. being scared of life is more like worry. i try really hard not to worry, but sometimes the evil "worry wart" pops up and i can't get rid of it. i worry about my kids and their feelings. i always want them to be safe and happy. there is so much to life and not all of it is easy...and sometimes school or jobs just suck. i'm amazed at how people can be so insensitive to others. that's when it's time to turn it all over to the Man upstairs. i'd rather be scared of noises or movies or books than to be worried about my kids! so...dear over my kids and keep them safe and full of assurance! thank you!

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